
Dr. Paul Rosbury

Eric Needle

Dr. Paul Rosbury

Paul Rosbury

For nearly 40 years, Paul has helped organize, coach, and develop numerous non-profit and faith-based groups. He serves as Chairman of Seminary Covenant Community and leads the Tapestry movement which seeks to unite the Body of Christ in Brevard County and restore Biblical values in all facets of our lives.

From faith and family to meeting neighbors’ needs, to connecting with business influencing government and education, if we want to restore Kingdom values, we need to work together.

God is weaving a tapestry. Where do you fit in?

Paul has served as Senior Pastor of Tapestry Covenant Community Church in Merritt Island and as a Spiritual Director for the Indian River Via de Cristo movement. He received his Doctorate from Christian Faith University and currently serves on their Board of Directors. Paul and wife Patricia have been married for over 37 years, and have 9 grandchildren.

Paul founded Tapestry Media and discovered Ontraport, a SAAS platform that allows us to deploy sophisticated services for our group and extend them to our members. These include a contact management system, newsletters, directories, calendars, Ecommerce, and other functions that we can embed on other websites.

Eric Needle

Eric Needle

Eric’s faith journey has defined his life. Raised in Judaism, he found Christ at age 16 in a Southern Baptist Church in Longwood, FL. Even at that age he was reading the Bible daily, and the more he read, the more it pointed him to search for Messiah. When a friend gave him a copy of the New Testament, he read it cover to cover, he knew it to be a Jewish Book and that Jesus was the only person in history who could fulfill the prophets.

This led Eric on a search for the “true” Church. From a Roman Catholic church in Altamonte Springs, where he attended for two years, he found their worship similar to Judaism. He was then drawn to a Seventh Day church in Downtown Orlando, as he began to wonder why Christians worship on Sunday and don’t celebrate the Biblical, Jewish feasts like Passover. There he read a tome of a book, the Great Controversy, which pointed out all the man-made traditions in Catholicism, realizing he was a Protestant.

Eric married Eileen, an Irish/German Catholic from South Florida and he shared what he was discovering, drawing her to deeper faith and bible study. Finding Seventh Day legalistic, like Judaism, he kept searching and prayed for the day he might be baptized. In each church they attended, he began a lifelong ministry of working with pastors, as friends, colleagues, accountability and study partners. His career as a graphic designer, web developer, and marketing professional helped him serve and help each church they attended.

When they moved to Melbourne, he found their first church “home”, First United Methodist Church, a 150 year old congregation, where he learned about American reformers, Calvin, and Wesley. Methodism encouraged study and discipleship and he began a candidate for Ministry. Eric and his first son were baptized here.

Later they found Grace Church in Melbourne which met in a movie theater and their two sons grew up in a church that required the congregation to serve, to setup and tear down every Sunday.

Eric’s study connected him to One for Israel, an Israeli ministry that shares the Gospel to Jews in the Holy Land. Their, Israel College of the Bible is the only Hebrew speaking seminary in the Holy Land. Their native Hebrew understanding of scripture and love of Messiah is profound and their use of video and digital media to reach the lost is prophetic.

Their video testimonies of Jews who found Christ and have been saved have over 100 million views. An amazing side effect is that both Jews and Arabs are finding Yeshua. And many of their Bible College students are Arabs. Peace in the Middle East can only come from the Prince of Peace, and Eric supports One for Israel. In 2019, Eric brought their speaking tour to Melbourne, after Washington DC and Los Angeles.

He counts himself as Messianic, a Jewish Follower of Christ, worshiping like the first church, right out of the Book of Acts. He’s working with Paul on Tapestry Home, a home church initiative.

Eric runs a digital marketing agency in Melbourne and is a communicator and encourager. Eric has been developing websites and Ecommerce since 1994 and working in WordPress since 2004.

His firm and Paul’s work is the foundation of Tapestry Media and we hope to gather others who seek to build God’s Kingdom to help us deliver these services.

Eric sees Paul as his Pastor, meeting him on a 3 day, Via de Cristo, weekend study, where Paul served. Eric has served Indian River VdC and continues to serve the National Secretariat as their webmaster.